Griffin's Landing

    Well then, welcome to my little landing ground. Looky! I have been updating! Wow, good stuff. I have a banner now, for all u people who want to link to me. I request that you link useing the banner, and not just the word-link thingys. Thanks!


    9-3-02: No, I did not forget you, I was just sidetracked by something. Guess what? I am the first to declare, that I have a griffin doll drag and drop site. Wanna see it? Go to drag and drop. Its griffins. And now I think I will start up the comic again. Peace.

    8-1-02: Really, I am working on the comic and updateing. No, really I am. Anyway, not alot of time as of late, so it here now. For my addoring fans(all one of you) number 8 comic is up for your enjoyment. Peace.

    7-29-02: Sorry about the wait, but rest assured, its a doozy. Its a long one so you people out there who waited for it, now have something extra to read today. Hope you enjoy it, and I don't plan on skipping a day for a while now. Peace.

    7-25-02: Sory, no comic today, and none till next monday, I'm going on vacation, so I can't post. I'll get some extras in when I come back, I promise. Untill then, peace.

    7-24-02: Got another comic up for Griffins Tales, and I must say, I'm doing pretty good. And there's still more to come, so keep on watch'n for them. I think that wraps it up, so peace.

    7-23-02: Ok, got the new comic up today. Yes, I know I'm early for the day. Yes, I was that bored today. Other than that, I think I'm done for the day, unless I get any new idead. Peace.

    7-22-02: Sorry it took a little bit longer to get another comic going. But its up, ready to look at. Hope you all enjoy it. Peace.

    7-20-02: I got another comic up and running, and I just put the banner up, so use that to link. Other than that, I think I'm done for today, I know I'm being sporatic about when I put up comics, but I'm trying to get at least 10-20 done before I start a regular schedual. Peace.

    7-20-02: Ok, got a new comic for you. I got some new charectors that you might like to meet. Other than that, I think its all there is. Till next time, ya'll come back now, ya hear?

    7-19-02: Ok, finally, my new comic is up. I don't know what I'm gonna call it yet, but it seems pretty good so far. I didn't know how much time it took to make one comic. Man, I think I'm gonna go rest now. Well, thats it for now, you can find it in the "Web Comic" Link at the bottom. Peace.

    7-12-02: Well, I updated the links page, so now it actually works, and has a background. And the links work again, I hope. And I'm about to add the web comic, if my friend gets his crap together, so I can scan it. Thats about all, peace.

    7-9-02: Ok, finally updating everything. Wow, its been a while. Gosh I love working in html, huh? Any way, there are some new decks up, and I'm working on a gallery. And me and a friend are working out something for the magics section, so thats comealong quite well. Unfourtunatly, Chia has not given me any more rants, so thats that I guess. I'm working on the griffins page. I know what ur thinking, how can he have a site about griffins w/o a griffins page? Ok, I'll do it. Gosh dang you people.
Rant From the Plant
Griffins Tales
Drag and Drop
Email me at with comments or questions.
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I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by !

Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?

A TAN Dragon Lies Beneath!

I took the Inner Dragon online quiz and found out I am a Tan Dragon on the inside. My Inner Dragon is the true draconic magic-user. Tans have been all but forgotten in popular literature, but that suits us just fine. We're very shy and spend most of our time hidden in impassable mountain valleys. Every so often we do get a little brave and use shape-shifting to blend in with society. Given a choice, however, Tans still much prefer to be left to their own devices.

I like to spend time devising new and interesting spells, and counting my gigantic treasure. My favorable attributes are longevity, security, magic, and reverence for life. To top it off, my breath weapon is a curious mix of Fire and Air. Just tell folks to watch out, like all Tans I've got a seriously short temper!